We are a network of community and partner groups across Maui Nui that care for ecosystems on which Hawai'i's people depend |
Mission & Purpose
Our Vision
Shared Kuleana
Our mission is to connect communities across Maui Nui to care for and restore healthy ecosystems on which Hawai'i's people depend. Our purpose is to share and learn from our diverse experiences, lessons, and best practices to help member sites mālama (care for) specific makai (seaward) areas.
Our vision is to see our relationship restored to both land and sea as we reach across communities and generations to enhance our strength through diversity. We envision that the land and sea are healthy and productive and our actions are consistent with with ahupua'a (ridge to reef) stewardship practices and supported by the best of scientific insight.
Together we commit to provide a legacy of ecosystem health and food security for future generations through education and 'āina restoration. We are motivated by our love for our island home and actively and purposefully support community-driven efforts to mālama 'āina (care for the earth) under the direction of nā kūpuna (our elders) and other knowledgable community members. With humility, we put fish first to ensure that ka pae 'āina (the Hawaiian archipelago) will return to abundance during our lifetime and for future generations.
To see the Maui Nui Makai Network's Partnership Agreement signed in February 2013, click here.
Community Action Plan (CAP) Almost every community group in the the Maui Nui Makai Network has completed some version of a Community Action Plan (CAP), a document that lays out a community's vision, values, project description, targets to mālama (care for), challenges and threats for their area, what actions to take towards management, how to measure and monitor change, and how to involve community in the management process. A CAP helps communities to plan their management strategy over the long run, setting their sights on achievable, priority goals and objectives. From the Network's CAPs, most of the following tools were developed and put into action.
We Build Experiences
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